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What Does it Take to be the Best Yoga Teacher

December 15, 2020

Yoga as a health and wellness trend is exploding. There are currently 6,000 yoga studios in the U.S. and 62% of studio owners report their space is dedicated entirely to just yoga.  Almost half of those studios report serving 100 and 500 people per week. More than 36 million Americans practice yoga. There are thought to be 300 million yoga practitioners worldwide. 


But what does it take to be a great yoga teacher? 

The same as being a great teacher generally…and more!  Students are drawn to their passion.  Yoga teachers who are passionate about their practice have a lasting impact on their students’ lives. They believe in the power of yoga to heal, refresh, and restore – both, physical and emotional energy. They practice for themselves and speak of the impact yoga has had on them personally.  Yoga instructors are truly dedicated to educating and inspiring their students. They prepare for classes and understand that students are at different stages in their practice and bodies’ abilities.  It is not enough to recite the Sanskrit poses; the standout yoga teacher guides others to their full potential and bodies’ limits. 

Yoga Teachers need to be:

  • Authentic
  • Caring
  • Sincere
  • Empathic
  • Empowering
  • Passionate 

As with every teacher, the experience they provide to a studio’s clients is a reflection of the studio’s’ culture. Studio owners need the help of great instructors to build a successful studio. Yoga teachers should use clear communication, instruction, and encourage a caring relationship with every student.

COVID makes it difficult but extra care is taken.

Instructors during COVID have become important support-staff keeping the studio clean. The extra steps needed to keep students safe take extra time. Mat cleaning, floor cleaning, and sanitizing equipment are best-practice protocols for studios across the country. Foggers help germs from spreading. New ventilation systems and fans keep air circulating to dissipate harmful particles in the air particles. 

Although most studios have community mats to borrow, many students bring their own. This adds germs from outside accumulating in class. Spray bottles and wipes are mostly ineffective, sometimes expensive, and chemical-based.   The best way to detox a mat is with MatFresher. MatFresher uses more than a cleaning spray. It uses UVC germicidal lights to help eliminate pathogens that are harmful to your health followed by a natural spray to kill up to 99.99% of all harmful germs. 

As an instructor, you care about each and every student. Help them make the best of their yoga experience, stay healthy, and keep their mats sanitized and clean after every class. Be the leader and create new rituals.